FBA Module

Fullfillment by Amazon is functionally supported in Inforius is a separate FBA module. The module is structured like workflow, so that the individual modules optimally supports the process specified by Amazon up to the dispatch and document generation.

The Inforius FBA module contains the following functionality:

Extraktionsmenü New Article Scan Article Release Delivery Positions Delivery Overview Inventory


In this module articles are scaned either for in-house stock or for Amazon FBA purpose. Alternatively, items already in stock can be sent to FBA.


Articles can be released manually or automatically for FBA shipping.

Ready to Ship

Based on feedback from FBA, shipping documents are generated per shipping center.

Delivery note overview

Overview of each item shipped including shipping documents information.


Inventory management system that indicates which shipping center has which FBA items are stored. Also register the inward/outward movement of FBA articles in this system. Based on sales, Inforius automatically proposes to increase FBA inventories or to increase the number of articles if the minimum stock levels of an article are reached.